AI email marketing for your hotel

AI email marketing for your hotel

AI email marketing for Shopify brands

AI email marketing for your hotel

Grow Direct Bookings
With Email Marketing

Grow Direct Bookings
With Email Marketing

Grow Direct Bookings
With Email Marketing

Grow Direct Bookings
With Email Marketing

Ripple gives independent hotels best-in-class email marketing,

without the hefty price tag.

Ripple gives independent hotels best-in-class email marketing,

without the hefty price tag.

Ripple gives independent hotels best-in-class email marketing,

without the hefty price tag.

Ripple gives independent hotels best-in-class email marketing,

without the hefty price tag.

Generate emails instantly

Finish your email campaign calendars in minutes not days, using the Ripple AI Assistant. Ripple perfectly captures your goals and angles, and will suggest the best sequence of emails for the job.

Edit emails with intuitive AI

Even AI can’t replace a personal touch. AI-assistance makes it a breeze to swipe through designs, find images, write new copy, or find the perfect review to emphasize your angle!

Publish to your email provider

Ripple works with the tools you use today, no need to change your email service provider. We integrate directly with popular email platforms, and offer an easy HTML export if necessary.

Finish your monthly campaign calendar in less than an hour with AI-Assistance

Ripple learns everything about your brand to contribute customized assistance at each stage of your email workflow

Generate emails instantly

Finish your email campaign calendars in minutes not days, using the Ripple AI Assistant. Ripple perfectly captures your goals and angles, and will suggest the best sequence of emails for the job.

Edit emails with intuitive AI

Even AI can’t replace a personal touch. AI-assistance makes it a breeze to swipe through designs, find images, write new copy, or find the perfect review to emphasize your angle!

Publish to your email provider

Ripple works with the tools you use today, no need to change your email service provider. We integrate directly with popular email platforms, and offer an easy HTML export if necessary.

Beautiful Designs, Engineered for Performance

Beautiful Designs, Engineered for Performance

Ripple generates a unique template for every email. Delivering a carefully considered design pattern optimized for engagement, conversions, and deliverability.

Personalized Brand AI

Your AI needs to be as unique as your brand. Ripple understands your property, reviews, and brand voice, just like an extension of your team.

Generate emails instantly

Finish your email campaign calendars in minutes not days, using the Ripple AI Assistant. Ripple perfectly captures your goals and angles, and will suggest the best sequence of emails for the job.

Instant Email Generation

Don’t like to wait? Us either. That’s why we built one-click campaign creation. Once your plans are ready, receive your email drafts in minutes.

Edit emails with intuitive AI

Even AI can’t replace a personal touch. AI-assistance makes it a breeze to swipe through designs, find images, write new copy, or find the perfect review to emphasize your angle!

Intuitive Editor

Email edits don’t need to be complicated. Browse a vast library of block designs and layouts to find the perfect fit, without the designers dilemma.

Publish to your email provider

Ripple works with the tools you use today, no need to change your email service provider. We integrate directly with popular email platforms, and offer an easy HTML export if necessary.

Copywriting Copilot

Constantly creating new ideas and content can be tiring. Ask Ripple for a helping hand to create lists, blurbs, and headlines.

Execute from one platform

A planner, generator, editor, and publishing platform all-in-one. Ripple syncs with your existing email provider, so you can schedule in one click with confidence.

Delivery Optimized

Tested across all major devices and email providers. Our optimizations make sure your emails are prime and pretty when they arrive.

Personalized Brand AI

Your AI needs to be as unique as your brand. Ripple understands your products, reviews, and brand voice, just like an extension of your team.

Instant Email Generation

Don’t like to wait? Us either. That’s why we built one-click campaign creation. Once your plans are ready, receive your email drafts in minutes.

Intuitive Editor

Email edits don’t need to be complicated. Browse a vast library of block designs and layouts to find the perfect fit, without the designers dilemma.

Copywriting Copilot

Constantly creating new ideas and content can be tiring. Ask Ripple for a helping hand to create lists, blurbs, and headlines.

Execute from one platform

A planner, generator, editor, and publishing platform all-in-one. Ripple syncs with your existing email provider, so you can schedule in one click with confidence.

Delivery Optimized

Tested across all major devices and email providers. Our optimizations make sure your emails are prime and pretty when they arrive.



Is Ripple right for me?

If you're a brand selling on Shopify, looking to reallocate your teams time away from email marketing, while still maximizing revenue of this critical marketing channel then you could benefit from Ripple today.

How do I sign up?

Getting started with Ripple is easy. Simply start your free trial, share your details, and you're on your way to supercharging your email strategy. We’ll reach out within 24 hours to setup your trial account.

What's the onboarding like? Do you charge for implementation?

Our onboarding process is smooth and user-friendly. We guide you step-by-step through the setup to ensure you get the most out of Ripple. And the best part? We currently do not charge for implementation. We believe in setting our partners up for success from the get-go.

What software do I need?

Today, Ripple directly integrates with Shopify and Klaviyo. We can also support other email service providers with a simple HTML export.

I don’t have a shopify store, does that mean Ripple can’t help?

If you don’t have a Shopify store, but sell products online through another provider, please reach out to us. In many cases, we can continue to supply your need for an automated email marketing solution.

How much does it cost?

Nearing the end of your 2-week trial, we’ll present you with a pricing plan suited to your business size. We’re committed for your brand to see a high-return on your investment, and will make sure to work on a pricing plan that reflects this value.

Does this mean you’ve launched to the public?

Almost! By signing with the free trial, any shopify store can request access to the Ripple product. We validate that the brand is legitimately selling products through a Shopify store before giving access. This will still be within the 24-hour trial to access period!

How does the AI work?

Ripple's AI analyzes your brand's data, customer behavior, and industry best-practices to suggest and generate effective marketing strategies and designs. Think of it as a virtual marketing genius, always ready to assist.

©2024 Ripple AI

©2024 Ripple AI